Starting something new is exciting. But you quickly hit the limits. The status quo is very strong. Any change requires rethinking, time and resources.
You can always use some tailwind in the process.
The secret is to leverage existing platforms. They already work, so you don't have to build or run them yourself.
Here are a few examples:
Twitter: Also used as a platform for breaking news instead of the originally intended microblogging platform. Someone who wants to quickly see what is happening can probably find information there.
Google Maps: Originally developed for navigation and location services, Maps has been repurposed for crisis response and disaster management. During emergencies such as earthquakes, hurricanes or floods, Google activates its crisis response feature in Google Maps. It provides real-time data on affected areas, evacuation routes and emergency shelters, and even allows users to mark themselves as safe. This unexpected use of Google Maps has proven invaluable in helping people stay safe and informed in times of crisis.
Social Media Influencer: If you want to build a strong presence, no matter how much you post or network, you will have a very hard time getting reach. However, if you seek out others who have a strong reach and interact with them, you will be more likely to get more attention yourself and therefore reach.
Blogging: Search engine bots are always looking for fresh and helpful content. This is how the search engines stay popular. If you want to be found via blog, you can passively rely on bots for support. However, bots also need support. If other websites (which are valuable from the bots' point of view) link to theirs, it signals your blog's value to the bots.
Direct Mail Advertising: If you want to reach customers very quickly and in large numbers and give them a tactile experience, postcards or letters are suitable. The platform you use are the postal service providers, because you do not have to distribute your items yourself. Interestingly, the cost can even be lower than if you advertise online.
City rooftop gardens: In many urban areas, there is little space for green space and agriculture. In response to this challenge, some innovative projects have transformed the flat roofs of buildings into gardens and green spaces. These rooftop gardens take advantage of existing building structures to create new opportunities for urban agriculture, improve air quality, and provide aesthetic benefits - all while utilizing previously unused or underutilized space.
Therefore, the next time you want to create something new, ask yourself what unused or existing low-cost platforms you can leverage to add value.