At the end it is just a choice.
A choice
It is a choice on the information at hand.
It is a choice on your assumptions.
It is a choice how you imagine the future.
To make a choice you need options.
Options that tackle the greatest addressable challenge or opportunity.
Options that are within your (stretched) reach.
Options for which you have the best case that they will move you forward.
Here is How
Step 1:
Become clear of what the organization or unit is capable of
Look into past successes and failures
Step 2:
Take stock
Collect current observations, ideas, pain points and concerns from customers and all others
Step 3:
Decide on what the greatest addressable challenge or opportunity for your organization is
Step 4:
Ask questions
Ask: Why is it difficult?! Ask: What if…?! Ask: Isn ‘t it…?! Ask: Can we address it?
Step 5:
Decide on your strategic moves
What will help you succeed?
Step 6:
Develop your action plan
Step 7:
List your assumptions
What must be true?
Step 8:
Challenge your assumptions and plan
Step 9:
Develop a story and communication
(Step 10):
Iterate if needed
Since there are assumptions, there is some risk.
It must feel a little uncomfortable.
Than it is good!
If it doesn’t feel good, ask: What is the greater risk?’
Just continue as is?
Having a strategy?