Working with AI

As people getting more used to work with AI, there are experiences.

For sure AI can be so helpful and boost productivity. Getting a first draft of a letter by just providing the intention and a few bullets and give you a first draft in seconds.

Generative AI is good to continue a stream of words. It fills in the blanks with plain-vanilla things. It is good to come up with a lists of common items for a topic as a reference.

Those things are helpful to save time. You also see, what the general public would come up with. This is good, since every one of us can be biased or forgets something sometimes.

But using this output of the AI poses new challenges. E.g. questions like:

  1. Is it complete? Or is there something missing?
  2. Is it appropriate for my context?
  3. Is it my tone of voice?
  4. Is it legally safe to use parts of this answer?
  5. Do I follow the advice the AI has given? Or do I need to amend the advice?

Depending on the situation, it is likely that most people opt for the easy way. I.e. they don't question the output of the bot. The risks are in my opinion twofold.

First, this can lead to mainstream and sameness. In situations where you want to make a difference, this is not helpful.

The second is that you my avoid to come up with the answers yourself. Thereby you will not have training in coming up with answers. This can stifle the creative capability in the long run. and the dependency on the AI increases.

Anyway we all need to learn more about this new tool in our desks.

If using AI saves you time and the quality in your context remains high, it is a wonderful tool.
