There is a difference in risk between following a visionary and startegist.
The visionary has the imagination for a better future.
But he needs an architect to make a construction.
The architect needs an orchestrator to manage the troops.
Doers are needed in the troops to bring the future to life.
For different roles are involved.
Things might chance.
Complexity creeps in.
The strategist just focusses on problem solving.
A challenge or an opportunity.
Something he things that he can do something about.
He still needs an orchastrator and the doers.
But by solving the problem he replaces the architect.
Both ways have advatages and disadvantages. The strategist might be short sighted and not stretching the capabilities enough.
The visionary might face a lot of adversities or learns that he dreamed too much.
Sometimes you need the visionary, sometimes the strategist.
It depends on the situation.