The Next Big Thing

The next big thing we're looking for.

Will the idea just come to you?

Or do you have to get going to figure it out?

Some people write a business plan or do customer discovery or something they think is appropriate.

Others just start with something they can do and have control over. Something they can afford to lose. Something they can learn from. It's called effectuation.

But there are two big misconceptions to be aware of.

The first is that you have to be very original. This is not only difficult, it's almost impossible. Imagine how many people there are on this planet. How likely is it that you have something in mind that no one else has? And isn't easier for customers, if they have a category in which they can put your next big thing?

The other thing is that there is no competition.

There will be competition, not because they might be doing the exact same thing, but because they are delivering value in a different way I could go on with some misconceptions. A topic for another post...
