Makers, Explorers and Networker

Successfully promoting one's own ideas is often not easy for innovators. Decisions, budgets, collaboration or acceptance depend on how others are convinced of the idea.

A highly simplified (and not universally valid) model can help you approach the matter with empathy. Ask yourself what qualities stand out in the person you are talking to. Pay attention to the verbs. This way you can assign them to the following three types.

Doer The doer type does not wait long. He wants to get going quickly and see results. He or she avoids long decision-making or preparation phases. Don't overwhelm the doer with too many options or complicated explanations. If he/she has a lever, he/she wants to use it. The doer acts according to House's motivation theory: Path -> Goal. Say what is the path and what is the goal. The decision is then only yes/no. Quick and painless.

Explorer The explorer is curious. She/He wants to learn something. She/He goes into the breadth as well as into the depth. She/He likes challenges. Prepare your arguments and data accordingly. Your success depends on how you satisfy the curiosity of the explorer type. Give the explorer a few options to decide. Highlight the potential down the road.

Networker The networker is a relationship animal. Before she or he deals with arguments or even data, it is important to know how the other people think about a topic. And how the relationship with others is enlivened or strengthened. Accordingly, emphasize the effect on relationships or provide your assessment of what effect various options will have on relationships.

The model is not universal. All people show more or less all characteristics of the three types at certain times. The type also depends on the context. What I like about the model, however, is that it is simple. It helps to vary your own reasoning. It brings empathy into play. Even if you are sometimes off the mark.
