Accelerated innovation

Can innovations be accelerated?

Myself, I was one of them. 22 capitains were proclaimed for the speedboats. In the first moment, you might be pleased that you're being trusted with something like that. In the second moment, you try to make it work. After all, there was still the normal job. How to decide with two on what to do when you come to the office in the morning?

It took a while for everyone to get an idea of what was going on and to express what they wanted in terms of resources. Everyone wanted the same team members in the speedboat. Large Excel lists were prepared, after all someone needs the overview.

Yes, speed is different...

Can innovations be accelerated at all?

Ideas are plentiful. Resources are usually few. The courage to push through the necessary changes could also be more pronounced.

But it often starts much earlier. Instead of going broad, the question of relevance has to be clarified first. And that is difficult enough. What is relevant for customers in the future?

Assuming you knew that, would you set up 22 Speedboats? Maybe.

In the beginning, the key is to listen and observe. That's the only way to find out what really moves customers. It's something that's hard to scale. You need the points to connect your innovation with their personal desires, in addition to the USP, value proposition or benefits. You'll get stuck in the sales conversation at the latest if you don't show how the innovation takes the customer from individual A to individual B.

This requires questions. Lots of questions. Questions about context. Questions about the context. Questions about what is feasible. Questions about relevance. And many more

That's why has some tools ready for questions. It takes less opinions or likes, and more questions. Questions that question the status quo, questions about the sustainability of the idea, questions about the feasibility...

Questions open up possibilities. But they also help to filter. They conserve resources. They help distance from ineffective initiatives. They provoke creativity. They are the breeding ground for imagination. And they provide the best arguments for choosing from the possibilities.

Accelerate innovations? Asking questions is fast. They make efforts smart. They bring more focus and thus faster success.
