Purpose is personal

What is the purpose we see in our work?

In recent years, the term "purpose" has been going through organizations. Simon Sinek's book had certainly kicked it off. And it makes sense to know a context and the reason for the drive.

Still, I think purpose is something very personal. Why and when someone feels fulfillment at work can be very different. Here are a few perspectives (besides the pure exchange relationship of money for time):

(1) The job itself

The nature of the task, the challenges, issues associated with it can be a great motivator. Someone who develops a certain pride over time because she or he is in demand, displays skill, and achieves results seemingly effortlessly is certainly inspired by the task itself.

No matter what task an employee has, he or she can always ask him or herself questions that will help to perform that task better or add value in the context of the organization or customers. This activates the search system, which acts as a motivator.

(2) Collaboration with others

Interaction with others can be very motivating. Learning from others, letting others share in one's own experiences, or solving problems together with others often forges bonds and provides confirmation.

(3) The effect of the organization

Ultimately, the goals, or products of the organization can underpin the meaning of the work. Who doesn't like working in an emerging growth company? Who doesn't like working in an organization that helps make the world a little better?

Certainly, the third point is a very important one. Nevertheless, I think that for very many people the first two points play just as big a role when it comes to the meaning of work.
