Making the difference at turning points

That can hardly be prevented; there are always turning points.

Perhaps things have intensified recently.

Ilka Hostmann had pointed out at FutureWork23 that it is the leaders who make the difference at these points.

I wondered why that is. Here are a few thoughts:

  1. They are, whether they like it or not, the role models. Every change, every new buzzword, every new behavior, every new way of thinking is observed (and possibly copied or rejected). Only if the leader believes in the change and represents it authentically will others adapt to it.
  2. Employees have many questions and emotions at such points. In some ways, the points are a test of reliability and trust. If leaders then unexpectedly deviate from or question the emotional contract, trust erodes.
  3. Employees will embrace change if leaders care about each individual. The story of the engine plant in Munich is exemplary. 1200 jobs were threatened by technology change. Employees (unless they left for reasons of age) were retrained and released their energy for the new technologies.
