Change by design

Change always involves effort. This is especially true for organizations. Many people come together there who have questions and need to coordinate.

There are several formulas for change process success. The classic is John Kotter's 8-step process for leading change. He himself had pointed out that after change is before change. That is, the process is a cycle.

I find the approach of Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson and David Maxfield in the book Influencer interesting. This approach is about using and encouraging high-impact behaviors that lead to rapid and profound change. To support this, actions are taken that promote both motivation and the ability to engage in new behaviors. And this happens at the level of the individual, in the interaction of several and in the context of the environment. 

How does the platform for appreciation fit into this picture?

Personal motivation is increased when others have the opportunity to express their appreciation. The undesirable becomes more acceptable and digestible. Behaviors that take one out of the so-called comfort zone are also likely to be favored by supportive acknowledgements.

Who wants to stand back when others are already in line with the change initiative and receive recognition and appreciation for it? makes quantitative evaluations possible with the help of the search and analysis functions. This allows conclusions to be drawn about whether the initiative is making progress.

By introducing and publicizing the platform, the environment is changed. Employees are offered a new opportunity. At the same time, the desire for change is expressed through the introduction of the platform.
